Facts on Fiber

By Kate Horney

Are you getting enough fiber?

Research shows countless ways that fiber will boost your health. Some of its top potential benefits include:

Blood sugar control: Soluble fiber has been shown to help to slow your body’s breakdown of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugar, helping with blood sugar control by balancing insulin levels. This, in turn, reduces cravings and also aids in balancing hunger and energy. Read more about insulin and it’s role in weight loss here.

Heart health: Research shows that those eating a high-fiber diet have a 40 percent lower risk of heart disease. Read study here

Decreased Risk of Stroke: Researchers have found that for every seven-grams more fiber you consume on a daily basis, your stroke risk is decreased by 7 percent. Read study here.

Weight loss and management: Fiber supplements have been shown to speed up weight loss among overweight individuals, likely because fiber decreases hunger and increases feelings of fullness. Read study here.

foods with maximum fiber

What’s the best way to increase your fiber intake?

Focusing on fresh produce (fruits and veggies) will dramatically increase your fiber intake without adding extra carbs.

Here are a few of my Favorite Fiber Packed Recipes:

  1. Low Carb Smoothies & Workout Shakes – These low carb smoothies are also low-calorie and are great as post-workout fun or a mid-day snack. Full of fresh fruit and plenty of protein you could even try one for breakfast! The protein + fiber in these low carb smoothies will help balance hunger, energy and cravings and will keep you burning fat all day long!  
  2. Healthy Blueberry Protein Muffins – Blueberries are packed with health benefits! As you know, they’re full of fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and phytonutrients – all which promote optimal health, fitness, and fat loss. The fiber in blueberries helps keep you feeling fuller lower and has even been shown to lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood and decrease the risk of heart disease. If you’re looking for some healthy blueberry muffins with an added protein boost, give this recipe a try.
  3. 5 Healthy Salad Recipes – A quick and easy way to up your fiber intake is to fill up on healthy salads. With plenty of fresh produce and yummy fruits and veggies, healthy salad recipes give you the fiber AND flavor that you need! Here’s a quick roundup of 5 Healthy Salad Recipes that are far from boring!

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