{Fit Mom Feature} Beyond Baby Mom Maria
If you’re a busy mom who wants to get her body back, check out Maria’s REAL LIFE tips and advice below.
{Fit Mom Feature} Beyond Baby Mom: Maria
For those reading the blog who might not know you, can you give us a little background on yourself—why did you decide to start the Beyond Baby program, where did you begin?
I am a mother to two beautiful little girls, a wife of a handsome businessman, lover of everything healthy, a friend, sister, Christ follower and daughter. About two and a half years ago I found out I was pregnant with my first child. Both families were so thrilled to have their first grandchild and our first child!
At week 14 of my pregnancy, however, my parents were killed in a tragic plane crash. My life stopped at that moment along with my health. I was getting through the days by eating junk. Everything I knew about eating clean was thrown out the window. I chose to eat how I felt–like junk. I fed my pain with food and ended up gaining far more then necessary with my first pregnancy. It wasn’t just my weight that I knew was out of control but I was all around unhealthy. It wasn’t until I was nine months post postpartum that I was back on track with a healthy lifestyle.
Some may think that I looked just fine long before that but what I was feeding my body was poison and I felt it and knew I wasn’t healthy. Once I found out I was pregnant a second time, I knew I needed to take care of my body much better. As painful of a time it was to lose my parents, God gives us one body and I knew it was my responsibility to take care of it. He may have called my parents home with Him, but it wasn’t my time yet. I needed to start living again. Connecting with Kate a few months prior to my delivery helped me mentally prepare for Beyond Baby. I decided that I was going to make this program my push present to myself.
I am forever changed emotionally, mentally, physically.
Did you try other health/fitness/diet programs in the past? Did they work? Why or why not?
I had tried various diets in the past. I found most of these diets to be “quick fixes” and unrealistic to maintain. In the past, I’ve also worked with a trainer to prep for competitions and ended up just getting burned out. The training and dieting was very rigorous on my body. I have never found something I could stick to until Beyond Baby. When signing up for for this program. I only had intended to get through those 12 weeks, I had no idea of the benefits I would get from being a part of this program…this sisterhood!
How did Beyond Baby fit into your LIFE? What are your priorities? Family? Training? Both? Other? Etc.
My priorities are always my family. But, in order to be the best mom and wife, I know I have to take care of myself first. Beyond Baby is only 20 minutes a day! I love that I can mentally wrap my mind around that and “squeeze” it in during nap time. I thought I wouldn’t have time for this with two kids. But I’ve found that I have time for anything if I just PLAN for it and make it a priority for the day.
You have obviously made fitness a priority even in your busy schedule. Was there a moment of definition where you consciously decided to go for it or was it more of a passive thing? How did Beyond Baby fit into your daily life?
I knew I had to have something/someone telling me exactly what to do, especially to get started after baby number two. It can be so discouraging to start working out after a baby. I didn’t know where to start! Every part of my body needed to be worked on. It’s in these moments that I just wanted to quit before I even started. Because I know I have this tendency, I knew Beyond Baby would be the best option for me. I NEVER think, “I could do this on my own”.
You have had a lot of success in staying fit while being being a busy mom, especially in terms of doing what not many moms have been able to do: create your life so that health and fitness is sustainable and can fit into your limited time schedule. How would you advise the busy mom who wants to leverage their time better? What’s the first step?
Something that I have learned through participating in this program is time with my family, God, and my health is of the utmost importance to me. The to-do list can wait. The dishes will still be in the sink once I’m done with my workout. Think about what can wait and let it. We get tired as the day goes on so the chances of us having energy to get a workout in only decreases. If you are a Type A person like me, this is hard to do at first but it’s attainable!
What about moms who say they cannot achieve their goals because they don’t have time?
We have time if we make the time. Enjoy your morning cup of coffee while picking up some weights, take advantage of nap time and squeeze in a workout, enjoy nightly television while doing some lunges. Make the most of every opportunity!
For moms who are frequently exhausted and worn-out by the end of the day, how would you advise they manage their schedules/energy/time so that they have the energy/motivation to start on the path towards reaching their goals?
THIS IS ME and is exactly why I have to get my workout in during the day otherwise I am too tired to do it in the evening. Also, eating clean and drinking plenty of water provides lots of energy as well as protein, protein, protein! However, there are going to be those days we can’t get our workout in during the morning and it will have to wait until the evening. I find when I have a planned “treat” for after the workout I have more incentive to get it done and done well. My “treats” are typically sitting on my tush with a cup of tea and I look forward to that during my workout!
What is ONE THING these moms can start on today that will not overwhelm them?
Plan! Get a pen and paper and write your goals. Make them realistic and plan when you are going to workout. For me, every day was different but I know I am going to get it in before the girls wake up or during morning nap. Knowing this has helped me succeed in getting the workouts in.
What was your favorite part of the Beyond Baby program? How do you feel after finishing the program?
The sisterhood. Much of my success comes from my sisters in the program who are going through life with me. Life doesn’t always provide a perfect set of circumstances. However, having women encouraging me to live a healthy, fit lifestyle keeps me on track and lit a fire in me to teach my children.
What one piece of advice would you give to moms who want to get their bodies back?
Start. Take one day at a time and be patient with yourself and body. You WILL get there!
Want more information? Need a reliable, REAL LIFE Postpartum Fat-Loss System that will give results you can see and feel in just a few hours a week? Check out Beyond Baby!
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