8 Simple Ways to Get Your Groove Back
Ready to get your groove back? Me too!
Here’s the latest with me: After the holidays and being sick I have had no trouble getting back into my fitness groove. I love working out so this has never really been my problem area. But food, well that’s a different story. (can you relate?)
Between traveling, being sick, birthday celebrations, and a little extra stress in my life I noticed some changes. I used these reasons to justify eating out more that I typically do, turning my 1 reward meal a week into 2 or 3, and overindulging at night. I soon found myself with constant cravings (that I was giving in to every time) for soda, sugary foods, salty foods, and not to mention a constant bloated feeling. YUCK!!!!
Oh how easy it is to fall back into old habits!
I had definitely left my nice little groove and didn’t know the direction back! Now for people just starting out with this lifestyle change I like to encourage taking small steps. For me, however, I knew that if I didn’t cut that stuff out completely for a time that I would struggle longer. So that is exactly what I did. No soda, no candy, no reward meals for a couple of weeks.
It was just what I needed to remind myself of how awesome I feel when I treat my body right and now I can enjoy those treats in moderation without feeling yucky.
Have you lost your focus or gotten off track from your goal?
- Are you constantly feeling tired and run down?
- Are you having more food cravings? Are you giving in to them?
- Are you having trouble sleeping?
- Are you skipping your workouts?
- Are your clothes starting to feel tighter?
- Have I increased caffeine and/or alcohol consumption?
- Are you stressed?
- Are you lacking motivation?
If you answered YES to any of these questions- it’s time to get your groove back!
Once you have honestly answered these questions sit down and try to write a solution for each one….
Here are 8 simple ways you can get your groove back:
- Plan ahead – Pick a day each week to prep and cook all of your meals for the week. This takes the thinking out of “what will I eat?” after a long day at work. Also, schedule your workouts and have a family member or friend hold you accountable to them.
- Get rid of any extra goodies lying around the house….soda, candy, cookies, chips,etc. Make a list and restock your fridge and pantry with your favorite fat loss friendly foods. Keep a food journal.
- Try to eat an early dinner so that you can relax a little before bed. Pick a time to turn off the tv and other electronics and stick to it. Get your much need 7-9 hours of sleep.
- Accountability works! Find at least one person to hold you accountable for your workouts. Have them call you to wake you up in the morning or call, text, or email them when your workout is complete.
- If you are trying to maintain, pick a target body fat % for yourself and use that to help you know of you are staying on track. If you have access to a body composition scale you can use that to help you keep track. REMEMBER – the number on a regular scale is not something you should stress yourself over!
- Substitute your caffeinated or alcoholic beverage with a tall glass of quality H2O.
- A 30-60 minute leisure walk helps to lower the levels of stress hormones in the body.
- Revisit your purpose statement!
We will all have times when we get off track but you have all of the tools to right yourself again. Every moment is a chance to turn it all around. 🙂
From my planner to my fridge…I like to leave some reminders around where I will see them daily. (see photos above!) Do any of you do this too?
You’re not alone! We’re all in this together!
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