How to Make a Healthy Frappuccino
Bad news: The Traditional Starbucks Frappuccino is LOADED with sugar.
Good news: You can make your own healthy frappuccino at HOME! Check out these delicious recipes for a homemade healthy frappuccino. (aka #fitfrap)
BeyondFit’s Carmel #FitFrap
Ingredients for Frappuccino:
- ⅔ cup double-strength regular or decaf coffee, chilled
- 1/2 scoop Fit Miss delight vanilla chai
- ⅔ cup unsweetened almond milk
- 2 tablespoons caramel topping
- Stevia or sugar substitute to taste
- 2 teaspoons sugar free honey substitute
- 1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
- 2¾ cups ice
Ingredients for Topping:
- Light whipped cream or coconut cream
- 1½ teaspoons caramel topping
1. Combine in a blender. Blend on high speed until ice is crushed and drink is smooth. Pour into 2 glasses.
2. Top each glass with 2 tablespoons whipped cream and drizzle with topping.
3. Serve with a straw and ENJOY!
BeyondFit’s Cocoa #FitFrap: 
Ingredients for Frappuccino:
- ⅔ cup double-strength regular or decaf coffee, chilled,
- 1/2 scoop Fit Miss chocolate delight
- ⅔ cup unsweetened almond milk
- 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2 tablespoons sugar free chocolate syrup
- Stevia or sugar substitute to taste
- 2 teaspoons sugar free honey substitute
- 1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
- 2¾ cups ice
Ingredients for Topping:
- Light whipped cream or coconut cream
- 1½ teaspoons sugar free chocolate syrup
1. Combine in a blender. Blend on high speed until ice is crushed and drink is smooth. Pour into 2 glasses.
2. Top each glass with 2 tablespoons whipped cream and drizzle with topping.
3. Serve with a straw and ENJOY!
BeyondFit’s Strawberries & Cream #FitFrap:
Ingredients for Frappuccino:
- ⅔ cup chilled coconut milk
- ⅔ cup ouble-strength regular or decaf coffee, chille
- 2 tablespoons sugar free chocolate syrup
- 1/2 scoop Fit Miss cookies & cream delight
- Stevia or sugar substitute to taste
- 2 teaspoons sugar free honey substitute
- 1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
- 2¾ cups ice
Ingredients for Topping:
- Light whipped cream or coconut cream
- 1½ teaspoons sugar free chocolate syrup
- Optional: crumbled 100 calorie pack of Oreos
1. Combine in a blender. Blend on high speed until ice is crushed and drink is smooth. Pour into 2 glasses.
2. Top each glass with 2 tablespoons whipped cream and drizzle with topping.
3. Serve with a straw and ENJOY!
BeyondFit’s Cookies & Cream #FitFrap:
Ingredients for Frappuccino:
- ⅔ cup chilled coconut milk
- ⅔ cup chilled coffee
- 2 tablespoons sugar free strawberry jam
- 1/2 scoop Fit Miss strawberries & cream delight
- Stevia or sugar substitute to taste
- 2 teaspoons sugar free honey substitute
- 1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
- 2¾ cups ice
Ingredients for Topping:
- Light whipped cream or coconut cream
- 1½ teaspoons sugar free strawberry jam
1. Combine in a blender. Blend on high speed until ice is crushed and drink is smooth. Pour into 2 glasses.
2. Top each glass with 2 tablespoons whipped cream and drizzle with topping.
3. Serve with a straw and ENJOY!
Want to learn more about healthy Starbucks options? Click here!