HIIT it!
I would like to introduce you to the HIIT workout approach… Not just because you hit your workout but because it can really help you hit your target goals!
So what is HIIT??
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training.
It’s all about:
- – Short (but intense!)bouts of anaerobic exercise
- – Less-Intense recovery periods
- – Improving fat burning
- – Improving your glucose metabolism
- – Over all short workouts – generally lasting less than 30 minutes
So how does it work?
- – The anaerobic exercise is the high intensity part (i.e., the hard part). You want to push yourself as hard as you can when performing the exercises to get the maximum effect. Key here: maximal effort. I underlined the anaerobic exercises in the workout so there is no confusion on which part you should really push yourself.
- – The recovery periods are active movements that you perform at about 50% of your max. However you will probably still be breathless during your recovery period.
Ready to give it a try? Follow this workout plan and open the doors of a HIIT Workout to your workout regimen!
Warm Up:
- – Stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, shoulders, and chest
- – Do 20 walking lunges with hands on your head to cue the core to work
Work Out:
- – 10 Burpees with a Bicep Curl and Press (use your dumb bells!)
- – 20 triceps’ dips
- – 10 Mary Katherine’s (aka plyometric lunges)
- – 20 push ups
- – 10 squat jumps
- – 20 Russian Twists with your dumbbell
- – Repeat 1-2 times
Cool Down:
- – 20 walking lunges (hands on your head to get your core!)
- – Stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, shoulders, and chest
That’s it! The beauty of a HIIT workout is that they are quick.
So this is a great workout to have handy when you’ve got a busy day ahead, when you’re traveling, or when you need the quick fix that a workout provides.