The Numbers Don’t Lie: My Fat-Loss Journey, Part 1
I am a fitness coach, a fat-loss coach, a motivator, a role model for my clients…and I am also 40lbs overweight.
The above affirmations may seem oxymoronic, but they’re the truth!
Finally, after 4 years of fitness coaching, I am realizing what severe damage chronic cardio and high-carbohydrate diets have done to my body and my metabolism function. Previous to learning about the fat-loss lifestyle, a typical day for me would include anywhere from 1.5 – 2hrs of steady state cardio (5-6 days/week of cycling, running, swimming, etc…), a diet high in carbohydrates and fats (lots of wheat breads and butter) and limited weight training (maybe one session per week). During this time, despite all of the cardio I was doing, I still was not seeing any results. In fact, my waistline and weight have gone UP! You could definitely classify me as the quintessential “puffy” or “chubby” aerobics instructor. After coming on board with BeyondFit Physiques and learning the basics of a fat-loss lifestyle, I’ve decided it’s time to really live up to my fitness coaching affirmations and truly become the role model I know I can be for my clients, friends and family!
Let me first say that the women who participate in our Bikini Bootcamp sessions are the most positive, motivated, supportive and dedicated group of women I know. As one of their fat-loss coaches, I want to share my journey in fat-loss to let them know that…
“Real Women…Real Results” is more than just a slogan.
Here at BeyondFit Physiques, we really are changing women’s lives and I want to be a coaching testament to that!
So, for the next 12 weeks, I will be sharing my fat-loss journey with you. And since today is day one, there’s no better time to let the numbers speak for themselves. After all, the numbers don’t lie!!!
Here are my measurements from this morning’s first Bikini Bootcamp session:
In case you can’t read that, I weighed in at 179 with a body fat of 33.7%, and measured 40.5”, 42.25” and 36.5” for my chest, hips and waist, respectively. Eeek!!! I’ve got a lot of work to do!
Since I am starting this journey with so many of our bootcampers and BeyondFit clients, I want to share three tips that will help keep all of us on track for the next 12 weeks. Write these three things down in a place where you will see them daily, and remember…this is all about creating sustainable change and having a positive journey!
Tip #1 – Find Your Purpose and Set Your Goals
Your results are directly reflective of the amount of effort you put towards your goals. If you don’t find your purpose and set a measurable goal, you’re like a ship without a sail; completely dependent on the direction the wind decides to take you.
First, finding your purpose will help you stay on the right track while working toward your goals.
For example, one of our Bikini Bootcampers set out to get healthy and be a fit role model for her daughter because her mother died of heart disease. Her purpose is to be a healthy and fit role model for her daughter and family. I have watched as she let this purpose guide her through countless inches and pounds lost. Once you find your purpose, you will have a higher chance of aligning your daily activities to meet your goals.
Here is my purpose affirmation and my goals for the next 12 weeks:
My purpose is to lead by example and show you (our clients and friends) that fat-loss is possible! My primary goal for the next 12 weeks is to reduce my body fat percentage by 10% and to get my weight down to 159. My secondary goal (just for fun…because what’s goal setting without some fun?!?!J) is to hold a plank for 1 minute without breaking.
When setting your goals, remember to make them SMART:
- Specific to your desired end result
- Measureable for motivation
- Attainable and aligned with your life
- Relevant to your purpose
- Timely for tracking
Tip #2 – Do Not Waiver!
Find your purpose, set your goals and DO NOT WAIVER! Keep your focus on your purpose and remind yourself daily of why you are doing this. It’s just as simple as that. If you want it bad enough, you will forgo excuses and just do it.
Again, say it with me…DO NOT WAIVER!
Tip #3 – Remember, You’re a Human…Not a Robot
Loosing fat and embarking on a fit lifestyle is a learning experience and life-long journey. The biggest piece of advice I can give myself and anyone starting a new life journey is to be patient and don’t let the small setbacks determine your future potential. You may have one-too-many slices of pizza or skip your workout; and that’s OK! Just remember that every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around. Don’t get down on yourself if you have a bad day or didn’t make as much progress as you’d hoped. Just keep thinking back to your purpose, stay positive and move forward!
I’m really excited to see what the next 12 weeks brings for myself and all of YOU! I would love to hear about your purpose affirmations and goals. If you’re willing, please share with us what you are looking to accomplish.
TOGETHER we can make this happen!
Until next time…
Coach Jen