21 Weeks Pregnant Chalkboard + Sleep Solutions
By Kate Horney
How far along? 21 Weeks
Maternity clothes? I have a couple of cute “maternity” workout tanks (Thanks, For Two Fitness) but I think they’re gonna be lone rangers for awhile- spring/summer is just so convenient for being pregnant! All you really need is a bella band & some cute dresses! 🙂
Best moment this week: Celebrating Mother’s Day this week while being pregnant AND having my other little guy to hold was so sweet. I’m absolutely love with Jackson… And I can’t wait to hold the little one on the way! What a sweet blessing it is to celebrate the gift and calling that God has given to me in motherhood. Is it easy? No! But with every diaper I change, every meal I make, every sleepless night… My prayer is: “Thank you that I get to.
Miss Anything? I’m a stomach sleeper, so as my belly grows, I do miss sleeping on my tummy. I’m still sleeping fairly well (I blame chasing a toddler around all day while growing another human for my ability to crash at 9pm) but I’m definitely using the snoggle more and more to get comfy between my (many) bathroom trips.
Movement: I love the feeling of Baby H #2 moving. I get a huge smile on my face every time I feel him kick and I can’t wait for Jackson & Patrick to feel him squirm!
Food cravings: When I was pregnant with Jackson I had a really strange cabbage addiction… but so far with this pregnancy, nothing too crazy has come up. I have been loving our fresh picked strawberries (think: multiple times per day) and CHEESE & all things cheese sound pretty darn good every second of every day as well, but aside from that, I’ve just been enjoying the usuals.
Looking forward to: Patrick too Jackson out to shoot his first rifle this weekend. He was THRILLED to do this with daddy and it was so sweet to watch them bond over “boy” stuff. I CAN’T WAIT to add another messy, muddy, gun-loving boy to the mix!

4 More Tips for Sleeping While Pregnant:
- Avoid caffeine after noon. I LOVE my morning coffee, but no matter how busy I get in the morning (And how many times I have to heat and reheat that darn cup) I always make sure to cut my coffee off by 12pm.
- Get your recommended water (my goal is 1/2 my body weight in ounces), but taper off at night. Drink if you’re thirsty, but don’t down a 16-ounce water bottle right before bedtime.
- Exercise regularly- during the day or early morning if possible. (I’m a sucker for 5am #beyodnfitlife workouts!) A daily workout or walk will help you sleep better, but if it comes too close to bedtime, it could actually sabotage sleep (exercise is energizing).
- Have a light snack before hitting the hay to keep midnight hunger pangs at bay. Include protein and a complex carb (think a scoop of protein powder mixed in some oat bran) or decaffeinated tea. Stay away from sugar, which will give you an energy boost when you least want one, and then leave your blood sugar levels wobbly during the night.
P.S. Are you a fellow pregnant mama?
Healthy babies come from healthy moms!
Your baby is a REASON to make a healthy choices priority… not an excuse for why you can’t!
If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to a FIT PREGNANCY, join us over at the BeyondFit Life Club where I upload all of my personal workouts (100% safe during pregnancy) and share all the best fit mom recipes, tips & tricks!