Working Out At Home : A Simple Guide For Moms
Home workouts are a fantastic choice for moms because they don’t require any childcare, and they can be fit in around your kid’s schedule. They can also be a cheaper option than paying out to join a gym or for individual classes. Of course, to be as successful with your home workouts as you would be with ones outside of the home you do need to follow a few guidelines. Luckily, you’ll find these below.

Do have a set schedule and a goal.
First of all, when you decide that the majority of your workouts will be at home, it’s vital that you still treat them with the same discipline you would if they were anywhere else. Of course, this can be something of a challenge, because there is no one to hold you accountable, except yourself.
With that in mind, it can be beneficial to do two things. The first is to set a routine where you will work out at a specific time each day. For example, it could be when your SO gets home so he can watch the kids, or during nap time (something you can read more about below).
Of course, a little flexibility will be needed here, especially if you have a new baby, because as we mothers know the little ones don’t always do everything we want them to on schedule. However, even if you do occasional deviate from your set schedule having one is still worthwhile because it makes it easier to get back on board when you do lapse.
Additionally, setting yourself a reasonable target is also something that can help you keep motivated in your home workouts over the long term. It can also make it much easier to get up off the couch and move, and get some of those good endorphins, no matter how tired you are!
Do invest in the right equipment.

When working out at home, it’s important to have the right equipment.
Next, to be successful at working out at home, it’s crucial that you invest in the right equipment for what you want to do. Of course, the item that you pick will depend on your specific needs as some people will prioritize space saving above everything else in the home. Something that means they will be looking for things like the stackable dumbbells you can get at X Boom Fitness, as then all of their kits won’t end up taking over your living space. A place that is probably failed chocka with Baby stuff and toys already!
However, others will be more concerned about keeping the cost of their home workout equipment as low as possible. In which case, choosing activities that require the smallest amount of equipment like a dance or aerobic DVD, or body weight exercises may be the best choice.
Do use a baby monitor if you are working out using nap time.
If the only time you get in the day to yourself if when the kids are napping, you may be concerned about using it for working out for two reasons. The first is that quite rightly you don’t want to leave them alone, and the second is that you won’t want to wake them up with music or loud noises. Happily, both of these reasons are resolvable.
In fact, you can use a video baby monitor with sound to keep an eye on the little ones as they sleep while you are working out. Something that means even if you don’t hear them crying over, you will be able to see them at all times.
Additionally, using headphones and setting your workout equipment away from where the babies nap in a separate room or even in the garage can prevent the noise from your exercise from waking them.
Do vary your activities.
Another way that you can make working out as effective as possible when you are at home with the kids is not to repeat the same routine every day.
In fact, if you vary the activity, you do it’s likely to be much more exciting and fun, as well as effective and so it will help to keep your motivation as high as possible and help you make this a lifestyle.
Do try and get the kids involved if they are old enough.
Finally, when it comes to working out at home, don’t be afraid to get the kids involved if they are old enough. Of course, you’ll want to stay away from activities that have equipment that could cause injuries like treadmills, but the little ones can certainly take part in dancing, aerobic or yoga with you.
Then not only will you be encouraging them to live a healthy life from a young age, but you will also be ensuring that you get a good workout at home regularly as well.