33 Weeks Pregnant Chalkboard + Omega-3 Fatty Acids
By Kate Horney
How far along? 33 Weeks, 2 Days
Maternity clothes? Bella band is a definite must have! It has saved all my old summer shorts! That plus the combo of maxi skirts and yoga pants has really enabled me to get by without any big maternity clothes purchases. (More $$ for operation nursery decoration- woo hoo!)
Best moment this week: This weekend I got the privilege of heading out of town and for our “Day of Momsanity” event filled with a great workout, fabulous guest speakers, training and encouragement in the areas of faith, fitness, nutrition & motherhood…, I am grateful for the opportunity to do what I love. But I’m even more grateful that I get to do what I love WITH the ones I love and FOR the ones I love. These handsome dudes travel with me on all of my out of town trips… and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love fitness because it enables me to have the energy I need to be the best wife, mommy and friend that I can be. (And seriously, how handsome are my guys? I can’t wait to add another H boy to the crew!)
Miss Anything? My ribs are missing their space. Baby H #2 has been punching and jabbing like crazy and while I do LOVE and cherish the movement, man does it HURT!
Movement: I think this boy is going to be an athlete… he is STRONG as can be already! I love that when I push on a foot or elbow, he pushes back. Lol
Food cravings: Now that Baby Boy is taking up so much extra space, I can tell that I’m eating less and less at each meal time. I’m still loving protein pancakes, fresh berries, and all things CHEESE, but am definitely spreading smaller meals out throughout the day and haven’t been a fan of much meat lately.
Looking forward to: Baby boy’s arrival!! I can’t believe he will be here NEXT MONTH!
Biggest Struggle: Making sure I’m getting the Omega-3 Fatty Acids we (as in… mommy + baby) need!
Studies show that babies born to moms whose diets contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids (DHA) (found mostly in fish oils) have an edge in terms of early development. There’s no denying that DHA is critical to brain and vision development, and from what I’ve read, almost all of a baby’s accumulation of DHA occurs during the last trimester….
So I want to make sure that I’m getting enough!
Other studies show that DHA may also help prevent preterm labor and protect against postpartum depression, so it makes sense why the FDA recommends eating 8 to 12 ounces (two average meals) a week of a variety of fish and shellfish that are low in mercury, such as shrimp, tilapia, red snapper, salmon (wild is best organic farmed next best), pollock and catfish.
(Note: Pregnant moms definitely need to steer clear of swordfish, shark and fresh tuna, which are more likely to contain toxins).
Here are some reasons why all pregnant women need healthy fat- take a look at all that they do!
8 Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids During Pregnancy:
- fight inflammation
- lower blood fats (aka triglycerides)
- reduce blood pressure
- increase HDL cholesterol (the good kind)
- lower both LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and blood pressure
- fight prenatal depression
- prevent preterm birth
- support brain and eye development in babies
EPA and DHA (the kinds of omega-3s from fish sources) provide the strongest benefits, but the truth is that FISH really hasn’t been sounding all that good to me, so….
Solution: Get Creative!
I’ve had to get creative recently to ensure that I get the proper intake of healthy fats for both me and Baby H. Here are some of my favorite sources recently…
4 Ways to Get Your Omega-3 Fatty Acids During Pregnancy:
- Walnuts- While most nuts contribute healthy fats to your diet, only walnuts and walnut oil contribute omega-3 fatty acids.
- Leafy Green Vegetables- Dark green and leafy veggies like brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, and watercress contain varying amounts of omega-3, as do parsley and some other fresh herbs.
- Omega-3 Supplements- The benefit of fish-oil supplements for pregnant and lactating women is that they’re purified so they don’t contain potentially harmful levels of mercury and other toxins found in many fish and shellfish. Krill oil, from tiny shrimp-like sea creatures, or a high quality omega 3 supplement is my personal supplement of choice, because the National Institutes of Health also recommends avoiding flaxseed and flaxseed oil when you’re pregnant or breastfeeding because flax’s hormone-like properties may be a concern, and cod-liver oil as a source of omega-3s, may contain too much vitamin A for pregnant women. I recommend this high quality omega 3 supplement from PEScience (use the coupon code BEYONDFIT for 30% off) or this version of krill oil.
- Cold-Water Fish- And of course, Omega-3 fats EPA and DHA are found in fatty fish. The honest truth is none of these sound good to me right now, but if you’re pregnant and feeling the urge for fish, the best options include wild salmon, sardines, herring, and farmed oysters, which are all rich in omega-3s, lower in toxins, and pretty readily available.
P.S. Want More Fit Pregnancy Tips?
Your baby is a REASON to make a healthy choices priority… not an excuse for why you can’t!
If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to a FIT PREGNANCY, join us over at the BeyondFit Life Club where I upload all of my personal workouts (100% safe during pregnancy) and share all the best fit mom recipes, tips & tricks!