Welcome to BeyondFit Mom
Why “BeyondFit?” As a new mom and a fitness professional, I was frustrated with the amount of information out there promising quick fat-loss and a kick-start to your fitness. What about the rest of your life? What about those first few days after the program ends? And how about the months and years, with the holidays and lifestyle hot-spots, after your fat-loss program has ended?
That’s why I created BeyondFit. And that’s why you’re here. You know that it’s actually most important to think about how you’re going to create and maintain positive new habits: for life.
What do you get when you become a member of the BeyondFit Mom team of fit, focused, and fabulous women around the world?
BeyondFit Mom is a health, fitness, and fat-loss system aimed at women just like you. But to call it a fat-loss system doesn’t begin to explain the benefits of the carefully-designed training, customized nutritional support, and structured services you get with us. It doesn’t tell you about the huge network of real women around the world supporting and championing each other. And it doesn’t let you in on all the secrets you’ll discover when you get to work closely with me, an experienced nutrition, fat-loss, and metabolic training coach.
I’ll guide you through ongoing, sustainable fat loss and teach you not only how to shop, cook, and eat for the physique you need, but how to manage your mindset. Together, we can live the fat-loss lifestyle. And you know what? It’s enjoyable!
Join us, and uncover the tools you need to create lasting body change and reach your goals. Some of them may surprise you!
The BeyondFit Mom programs have one central theme: promoting optimal health for every woman. I’m a mom to two lively little boys; I can’t afford for my diet or my training to leave me feeling anything but energized, happy, and positive! We specialize in female-specific fat loss, because we know that women really do need different tools to create lasting body change: hormonally, psychologically, and nutritionally. Everything you’ll get with the BeyondFit Mom program has been tested and tweaked, and is proven to get YOU the results YOU crave.
We have women working with us from all over the world! Come join the team and see why it’s so important to look BeyondFit…
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