Fit Pregnancy Week by Week: 11
By Kate Horney

Maternity clothes? Do lulu leggins & yoga pants count? Stretchy waists, getting tighter!
Best moment this week: Our 11 week ultrasound, getting to hear the heart beat & see the sweet little one move around! I teared up, for sure.
Miss Anything? Sushi & rare (so bloody a skilled veterinarian could save it) steak!!
Movement: Not yet- but can’t wait!
Food cravings: Cabbage (seriously?!), Ice cream, Cheeeeese (on everything) & Chinese
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender! Pink or blue?! This momma wants to SHOP!!
P.S. Enjoy these moments! Then, when it comes time for you to burn the baby fat and get your body back, make sure you check out my Beyond Baby Program!