Fit Pregnancy Week by Week: 15
By Kate Horney

Maternity clothes? Not yet- but look if you look closely you can see that bump! leggins and unbuttoned jeans.
Best moment this week: Got to hear baby’s heartbeat- The Dr. found it within seconds & said we have a happy baby. 150 bpm- going strong….
Miss Anything? Honestly, this is a pretty sweet time. Not sick anymore. Not big enough to feel like a giant waddling house (yet)…. I’m relishing in God’s goodness to us & loving every minute right now!
Movement: Little flutters here & there… do I get to call that baby moving? I’m still afraid it’s just my lunch…
Food cravings: Taco salad- cheese (still) on everything, lots of salsa and an insane amount of romaine lettuce. Add to that the usual cabbage and oats. Oh, and new this week: peanut-butter! YUM.
Gender prediction: The world says boy. Will we have a little girl & shock everyone?
Looking forward to: Feeling baby movement! And finding out if we are having a boy or a girl…. in two weeks & two days (but who’s counting). What do you think it is?!
P.S. Enjoy these moments! Then, when it comes time for you to burn the baby fat and get your body back, make sure you check out my Beyond Baby Program!