Fit Pregnancy Week by Week: 36
By Kate Horney
Best moment this week: D-day prep! Maternity tour at the hospital, last meeting with our doula, packing the hospital bag, dancing around to lots of fun L & D songs and thinking HE COULD COME ANYTIME!!
Miss Anything? Lots of “normal” things to miss. But I can’t believe we’re almost at the end. I’m so grateful for such a great pregnancy! It’s kind of sad it’s almost over…
Movement: Lots of big wiggles. My belly has definitely dropped… baby boy’s getting READY!
Food cravings: Protein pancakes have been a staple since the very beginning. Taco salads also made their way back around this week. Everything else is pretty normal…
Looking forward to: This handsome boy’s arrival! Walking past the nursery on our hospital tour this week made my heart melt… I can’t wait to meet our little guy!
P.S. Enjoy these moments! Then, when it comes time for you to burn the baby fat and get your body back, make sure you check out my Beyond Baby Program!
You’re in the right place. I’ll reveal how busy Moms like you CAN burn fat and get your body back – in less than 3 hours per week. I did it. Now it’s your turn…..