Success Story: Results in just 4 Weeks!
In just 4 weeks, Fat Loss Nutrition & Training Client Amanda lost 9 pounds and 8 ¾ inches…. with no crazy diets and no killing herself at the gym.
Intelligent exercise & fat loss nutrition kept her hunger, energy, and even cravings (no donut, no problem!) balanced and under control while she slimmed down, shaped up, and turned her body into a fat burning machine..

Here’s Amanda’s story:
“When I started my 4 week program with Kate, I wasn’t expecting to see nearly as much progress as I did in that time. It was really helpful to have someone there to encourage me and keep me motivated every step of the way. It was also great to have someone that I could ask all of my questions.
The eating plan was very easy to adhere to; it was food that I like and enjoy eating. I didn’t feel like so much was cut out of my normal diet that it would be hard to sustain. I always found that my meals were tasty and I would look forward to eating them.
I loved having a personalized exercise plan. It was so nice to go to the gym and KNOW what I needed to be doing and not just wonder about pretending I knew what was going on. It helps keep me on track to stay focused. I can see a goal in mind and I have a specific end point so it makes it easier to not decide, “Oh I’m tired, I’ll stop for tonight.” I LOVE LOVE LOVE my post work out meal!! I can eat cereal!
Kate is awesome!! Her plans are tailored especially to women and it helps cut back on cravings and hunger. I can tell you my cravings have been few and far between! I came to a point where watching someone else eat a donut no longer made me feel like I needed to be eating a donut. Before Kate, I had zero will power on resisting cravings. I would be OK at home because I didn’t keep it in the house, but if I wasn’t home that was a whole other story. At no point in the day do I feel like I’m so hungry I’m going to eat whatever I see next. I love that you can eat 5-6 times a day every 2-4 hours!
I am thrilled that in only 4 short weeks I have lost 9 pounds and 8 ¾ inches!! To me that is an unreal change!! I would have never set that as a goal on my own because I wouldn’t think it was attainable, but with Kate’s help it absolutely is completely possible as long as you live by her favorite saying “Time + Compliance to your plan = RESULTS!” And that’s the honest truth!” -Amanda Mackowski

Congratulations, Amanda!