Reducing Stress
I will be the first to admit that I have trouble taking care of me.
Yes I eat healthy. Yes I focus on my fitness, but here is where I am guilty- I am guilty of not taking care of my stress level. Who can relate to the following: Run. Run. Run. It seems like I am always running. I work 40 hours a week, am growing a business- which means teaching, coaching, training, and traveling, and then there is the chores of homeowner life! No wonder I had to come home a take a nap today!
There is good stress and bad stress. Stress isn’t just having too much on our plate. Stress can be emotional of having a loved one far away. Stress can be financial.
But let’s talk stress, physical stress. How can we decrease our stress?
1. Fitness and Nutrition…this should be an easy one get your workout on EVERY SINGLE DAY! Participate in the BeyondFit Mom program of the month. Unite with our group of fit sisters for accountability and encouragement. It is truly amazing and inspiring. Make sure that what you are consuming is quality- garbage in garbage out. If it won’t mold or go bad, don’t eat it.
2. Quiet time….
- Oh how I wish I could take baths! But being 6 ft tall does present me with challenges (more than just finding the right pant length). Taking soothing baths can help quiet your mind and spirit. Turn on your favorite praise and worship station to have a time of fellowship and prayer with Jesus. Add some essential oils to your bath. I love the combinations of lavender and myrrh, frankincense and wild orange, lavender and a grounding blend, joyful blend and lemon, or a calming blend. To really draw out the toxins, add a half cup Epsom salt, ¼ cup baking soda, and 1 tablespoon coconut or olive oil to your favorite EO combo bath and enjoy some luxury.
- Read a book! Find yourself a good read and curl up in a chair by the fire and indulge! Find a topic you love reading about and embrace it! I love Biblical studies so I reach for Bible Studies (Kay Arthur is my absolute favorite!!) or Francine Rivers A Lineage of Grace and Sons of Encouragement are phenomenal!
- Get your hands dirt and work in your yard. I love nothing more than the hard work I devote to my yard. I get my hands dirty, but it gives me time to pray and pour my heart out to my God who loves me.
3. Drinks…and no I don’t mean the alcoholic kind. Drink your water to ensure your body is eliminating toxins. Reach for tea. Teas that have chamomile and/or lavender are going to bring a calming presence to your day. Sipping on such bevies will help relax and also help ease you into a gentle sleep, so be sure to use these teas right before bed.
4. Get sleep! Allow your body to recover and rest. If you go ALL THE TIME, your body can’t lower the stress response and you are going to be in a chronic state of fight or flight. This wears your body down and you become tired, taxed, and ill. Who wants that?!
What are your favorite ways to stress reduction?
Hey y’all! It’s Boots. Cowboy boot wearin’ health and fitness nut! I love my oily life and being saved by grace. After having mono, reclaiming my health and losing 50 pounds I have found a passion in living healthy and naturally and living everyday with boots.