31 results for “ditch the diet

We have found 31 results with the word you searched.

Ditch the Diet: Why Don’t Diets Work? 2 Reasons to Avoid the “All-or-Nothing” Approach

Why don’t diets work? Let me paint you a mental picture… Every day millions of women wake up and vow to “get back on track” with their diets.   They start the day with a healthy breakfast and the motivation to “stick to the plan.” Their “food rules” tell them that carbs are “bad” so…


Ditch the Diet: 7 Signs You Need a Healthier Relationship with Food

When did the fitness industry hijack dieting and turn what were once well-intentioned pursuits of health and well-being into a prison that many women feel they can never escape? With nearly $60 BILLION in sales each year, many so-called “experts” in the diet industry have traded their love for people in exchange for a love for…


Ditch the Scale!

By Kristen Durnan   I have touched upon this topic many times, but it is an important subject that I run into a lot – fat loss versus weight loss – and at the heart of this issue is the scale.   Many of us monitor our success through the scale. Whether we are trying to get…


{Increase Your Metabolism} 3 Ways Dieting Makes You Fat

By Kate Horney Are you looking for ways to boost your metabolism and fat loss results? One surprising (and delicious) way to jump-start your fat loss, boost your metabolism, and keep moving forward to your goal may be to ditch the diet and eat MORE than you’re currently eating… Everyone knows that to lose weight (or…


4 Reasons I Don’t Support the hCG Diet

Just the other day, one of our Bikini Boot Campers posted on Facebook that she was watching an afternoon talk show and the topic was hormones. Suzanne Somers and a personal trainer on the show fielded a question about a diet of 500 calories/day. Our Bikini Boot Camper posted: “What? Are you kidding me? They…
