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  • Stability Workout

    By Kimbre Varney Stability is extremely important when starting a workout! It is the first stage that someone should go through to make sure that they have a good foundation before moving on to strength. The main focus of this form of training is to increase muscular endurance and stability while developing optimal coordination. This type…

  • 8 Tips to Becoming an Early Morning Exerciser

    By Jessica Grimes It’s interesting to see people’s reactions when I tell them I work out at 5 a.m. I’ve found it’s generally one of the following: (a) Utter shock/confusion: “Wait, you work out at 5 a.m.?” (b) Skepticism/sanity-questioning: “Whoa. Are you completely insane?” (c) Awe: “How do you do it?!” I only became an early…

  • 5 Tips for Finding the Time to Exercise

    By Becky I’m often asked how I find the time to workout, so I thought I’d share my top 5 tips!     Currently I’m a stay at home Mom, but before I had Landon I worked full time for 8.5 years. I feel like I have a good grasp on what it’s like to make…

  • 30 Minute Full Body Circuit Workout

    By Lindsey Fazendine We are all busy! Between work, family and crazy schedules some days it can be hard to get a workout in. Here is a  30 minute circuit that you can do anywhere and all you need is a pair of dumbbells! Start by doing a quick warm up. Walking, jogging, elliptical, jumping rope…

  • 5 Minute Workout for Busy Moms!

    Are you a busy mom or wife who feels like there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done? If you answered yes to that question, you are not alone. There are some days I feel I’m on the go from the time my eyes open in the morning until they close…